Hayes family of South Africa

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Index to all the Hayes family pages at this site

Most of our pages have a main index at the top and sometimes the bottom of each page. This index shows where the sub-pages fit in. Some pages may appear under more than one category. This is to make them easier to find.


  1. Alphabetical index
  2. Search this site
  3. Topical index

Alphabetical index

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Topical Index

  1. General pages

  2. Academic Journal Articles

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  3. Books and literature

  4. Travel pages

  5. Church pages

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  6. Computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) & networking

  7. Steve's pages

  8. Val's pages
  9. Bridget's pages
  10. Simon's pages
  11. Jethro's pages

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  12. Family history and genealogy pages
  13. Links pages

Index to some particular things

  1. Addresses where you can contact us

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|Orthodox Church | Val | Penpals |
|Russia | Orthodox Faith | Literary stuff |

This page used to be hosted by - a fascinating concept of a virtual community. Unfortunately it was lured into a cul-de-sac by Yahoo! and quietly strangled

This page maintained by
Steve Hayes
Please see web page for contact information
e-mail address may overflow because of spam

Updated: 19 June 2013